Maloja Palace Hotel Svizzera
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22 Dicembre 2015 venerdì
16 Dicembre 2015 sabato
- 02 +
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Alter 0-3
- 00 +
Alter 4-11

Maloja Club rules


The Headquarters of the Club are at the Maloja Palace Hotel, in the Club House.


The Maloja Club is a sports club that aims at providing an environment where friends and families may enjoy happy days in a healthy and balanced life-style.The Club will offer accommodation and the possibility to practice sports.


The Club shall consist of:
a) Founding Members nominated by the President and entitled to one vote.
b) Honorary Members, elected at the Annual General Meeting, who are not entitled to vote.
c) Ordinary members, nominated by the President only after one year of being temporary guests, entitled to one vote.
They have the same capabilities of founding members.
A member may resign from the Club at any time by giving written notice to the Committee.


The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall only be comprised of Founding Members with three years membership.
Honorary Members may be admitted in a consultative capacity but shall have no vote.
The Annual General and Extraordinary General Meetings shall take place at the headquarters of the club.
The Annual General Meeting shall be called by the Committee. The Annual General Meeting shall:
a) Elect every second year a Committee composed of a President, and three to nine founding members;
b) Elect Honorary Members;
c) Modify the Rules, Regulations and By-Laws of the Club (with the consent of the President);
d) Review the activities of the Committee;
e) Discharge a Member of the Committee or ratify the expulsion of a member;
f) Approve the President’s report;
g) Approve the accounts and the financial statements. Every Founding Member present has the right to one vote.
Founding Members may not cast votes by mail or proxy.


The president may end his mandate only following his will by written resignations.


The Committee shall be responsible for running the Club and will make decisions necessary for the Club’s wellbeing.
The Committee may (always with the consent of the President):
a) Designate a Member or Members who can sign either individually or collectively on behalf of the Club;
b) Appoint an Executive Committee composed of a reduced number of its members;
c) Appoint a Honorary Secretary and a Honorary Treasurer among the Founding Members, one person may hold these two offices;
d) Appoint trustees to supervise the Capital Account;
e) Engage personnel for the running of the Club;
f) Approve membership proposals for new temporary guests;
g) Make whatever modifications it may consider necessary to the By-Laws.
Such modifications are to be enforced immediately and are subject to ratification at the next Annual General Meeting;
h) Fix the membership dues and other rates.
i) Appoint a Secretary to assume responsibility for the administration and day to day running of the Club, in conjunction with the Committee.
j) Fix the founding Membership dues.


The dissolution of the Club can only be decided by the President of the club


Any bill shall be paid within one week


The President and/or The Committee has the formal right to expel at its discretion any Member who may have infringed the Rules.
A Member who fails to pay his subscription after three letters, from, or on behalf of the Committee
shall be considered to have resigned from the Club.


10.1 Wife or Husband and Unmarried Children under 18 years of age of a Founding Member.
The wife (or husband) and the unmarried children under 18 years of age of a Founding Member
shall enjoy the Courtesy of the Club without subscription.
However, should a Founding Member marry after his (or her) admission to the Club, his wife (or her husband)
shall only be entitled to this privilege after the unanimous approval of the Committee.
The Committee will decide upon this last mentioned privilege at the Committee Meeting called for the election of new Founding Members.
Until this time, the wife (or husband) may be admitted as a Temporary Guest according to Article 3-1 and pay half the subscription rates in force. The unmarried children of Founding Members over 18 years of age shall pay either the student or normal temporary guest rate in force.
Following the death of a Founding Member, their spouse may continue to enjoy the privileges of the Club, unless they should re-marry.
In that case they should re-apply as a Temporary Guest in the normal way.

10.2 Heads of State and Heads of Diplomatic Missions.
Heads of State and Heads of Diplomatic Missions accredited in Bern shall together with their wives or husbands
be granted the courtesy of the Club without subscription during their stay in St. Moritz.

10.3 Persons of merit.
The Committee may, by unanimous vote, grant the courtesy of the club for a specific season
to deserving persons, who have shown special interest in the club.
This special privilege is limited to the season in question but can be renewed for further seasons.

10.4 Members of other clubs
Members of the following clubs shall enjoy the Courtesy of the Club without subscription: Annabel’s Club of London,
Automobile Club de France of Paris, Boodle’s of London, Buck’s of London, Caledonian Club, Carlton Club, Cercle de la Terrasse of Geneva,
Cercle de L’Union Interralliée of Paris, Cercle Royal du Parc of Bruxelles, Cercle Royal Gaulois of Bruxelles, Circolo Bellini of Palermo,
Circolo della Caccia of Rome, Circolo Dell’Unione of Florence, Circolo Dell’Unione of Milan, Circolo Nazionale Dell’Unione of Naples,
Corviglia Club of St.Moritz, Cosmos Club of Washington, Cresta Run, Domino Club of Bologna, Eagle Club of Gstaad, East India Club,
Gstaad Yacht Club of Gstaad, Harry’s Bar of London, Hurlingham Club, Jockey Club of Paris and London, Jockey Club Fur Osterreich of Vienna, Knickerbocker of New York, Mark’s Club of London, Nuevo Club of Madrid, Nuovo Circolo degli Scacchi of Rome, Paisley-Tyler Club of London, Phyllis Court Club, Royal Scots Club, Royal Thames Yacht Club of London, Società Del Whist of Turin, Società Del Casino of Genoa,
Società Dell’Unione of Venice, St Johanns Club of Vienna, The George Club of London, The Lotos Club of New York, The Ontario Club of Toronto,
The Travellers’ Club of London and Paris, Turf Club of London and Lisbon, University Club of New York, Yacht Club Italiano of Genoa,
White’s of London.


Temporary guests can be admitted to the Club each season.
Persons desiring a Temporary guest Card for a month or the season must fill out an application form
and be sponsored by two Founding Members who know them personally.
Application forms must be deposited at the Secretary’s office.
Students, with sponsorship in the normal way, may be admitted at the special subscription rate in force.

11.1 Approval of Temporary guests.
Members of the present Committee of the club shall in general approve admission of Temporary Guests to the Club.
The Committee will review Temporary Guests from previous seasons before the following season.

11.2 Subscription Rates.

The Committee shall fix the subscription rates for Temporary and Student Guests.
The wife and children under 18 years of age of a Temporary Guest may also be accepted as Temporary Guests
upon payment of the children subscription rate in force (half of the rate).


12.1 Lunch guests of Founding Members
Founding Members and Honorary Founding Members have the privilege of bringing guests to the Club under the following conditions:
a) They must personally accompany their guests;
b) They may invite up to 5 people twice during the season; however, on demand, the committee can extend this possibility;
c) They must pay the guest fee on behalf of their guests.

12.2 Lunch guests of Temporary guests
Monthly guests can invite 2 guests twice a month; however the committee can extend this possibility on demand.


The Committee shall elect a Sports Committee to deal with ski races, excursions etc. and to advise the Committee on all technical matters concerning skiing, sailing, tennis, rowing etc. The Sports Committee shall consist of a Chairman and at least three further Members.


Only Founding Members and Honorary Members have the right to wear the Club Badge,
Tie and other clothing such as special sweaters.


All meals and drinks served at the Club shall be paid in cash.


Table reservations are welcome.


The Clubhouse can be put at the disposal of one or more Members wishing to use it for a private party after 5 p.m. under the following conditions:
a)They must obtain the secretary permission in advance. He will supervise the organisation of the party
according to the Rules of the Club and take charge of all safety measures.
b) A per capita and minimum fee, fixed by the secretary, will be charged together with the reimbursement of any damages.


Any property left anywhere on the Club’s premises remains at the entire risk of the owner of the property or person leaving the same.
The Club accepts no liability for the theft or other loss or damage of such property.


It is prohibited to use any photograph, video recording, film, sketch, painting or other image
produced within the Club for commercial purpose, unless with the prior written authorisation of the President.


A Suggestions Book is kept at the Secretary’s office for use by the Founding Members only.
The Committee will consider suggestions and complaints and will reply as soon as possible.
A Founding Member or Guest must not personally reprimand a member of the staff.
Any complaints should be directed to the Secretary.